Father Murray's summer fete

Welcome to our annual summer fete.
I have been asked to act as compare for our lovely event. Standing in for Rev. Stevenson whose haemorrhoids are playing up again.
It is wonderful to see such a good turn out. I believe we have more than doubled last years attendance figures. It's nice to see them reach double figures this year.

First of all, well done to little Thomas Stevenson who won the strange shaped vegetable competition.
The runner up was Andrew Riley with his marrow shaped like a pig.

Just a quick reminder that the egg and spoon race will be commencing at 2pm. Please bring your own spoon and egg (preferably organic)

Big thank you's go to Betty Ryan, Mavis Simpson and Barbara Wentworth for their wonderful unique decorations. Especially their cost saving bunting ingeniously made from used tea bags.

And finally, a public announcement. Would the owner of a blue, two wheeled Robin Reliant please go to the lake. There seems to have been a little bit of a handbrake incident.
