Q-where did the poorly bird go to hospital?
A-to get tweetmenr
Q-what do lawyers wear to court?
Q-What do you call an elephant who doesn't matter?
A-an irrelephant!
Q-what's the funniest city in America?
A- Phew York!
Q-why do polar bears have white coats?
A-they'd look silly in anoraks!
Q-what do you get if you cross a flower with a crocodile?
A-I I have no idea...but I'm not going to smell it?
What do you call a bear with no teeth?
A gummy bear!
Two fish were in a tank. One says to the other.
"Do you now how to drive this thing?!"
What is the difference between snowmen and snow women?
(You need to do the sound effects for it to work)
There were two monkeys in a bathroom. One brushing his teeth another undressing for the bath. The first monkey got into the bath "ooh ah ah ah ah' wailed the monkey
You need to add some cold to that! Says the other one
Two cows in a field. One says 'moooo'
The other one says 'hey, I was going to say that!'
Why did Billy go out with a prune?
Cos he couldn't find a date!
What happened to the frog who broke down?
He got toad away
A sausage and an egg were frying in a pan. The sausage said 'it's bloomin hot in here isn't it?'
The egg replied "bloody hell, a talking sausage!