All about me...the facts

My name is Lizzy Strong (Elizabeth if youre reading this on a Sunday!)

I was diagnosed with having stage 4 cancer in January 2013.
I had 2 operations and 7 months of chemotherapy.
Since that date I have been given the diagnosis of further cancer in my abdominal cavity, Which is terminal.

I decided to do my tried and tested method of  coping, by making as many jokes and looking for the lighter side of what can only be described as a giant pile of poo!
I have started a new lot of chemotherapy to try and prolong life.

Now we've got that rubbish out of the way, I can tell you about me. And not my diagnosis. You see, the cancer is not who I am. It is not the first thing I want people to see. Why? You dont look at someone and do the 'oh poor you' headtilt when talking to someone who may or may not have a water infection!

I was born 26th August 1978. Which makes me **?! years old!
I live in Leicester with my partner and our 1 year old little boy (who is gorgeous!)
I am a virgo (if that interests you?!)
I often get asked for ID when buying alcohol or a paint scrapper from Wilkinsons....long story! Who knew you had to be over 16 to buy a paint scraper! I mean, what do they think you're going to do with it. Start on a rampage of redecorating peoples houses?!
I did look quite young before all this rubbish started but I fear that now I am just little and wrinkled!

Things I like-                                          
My family                                                                    
Mexican food
performing arts / teaching                                             
all my pets                      
Going away in our van                                              
being silly / child like
Eating fish and chips on the seafront
Walking our dogs 
driving with my music loud
Doing one of my projects!

Microwaveable chocolate stuff masquerading as breakfast food
Stuffing, butternut squash and sweet potato 

Things I don't like-
Cabbage and brussel sprouts.....they taste like trumps!
Mouthy parents in food shops (you know the one -Chelse'  get ova ere, shat ap!)
Colonoscopys..... Not anymore!
Parents swearing at kids and wondering why when they swear back!
Cancer (obviously!)

Nasty habits-
Biting nails
Making jokes at inappropriate times, like in hospital 
"what are you allergic to?" says the nurse
"penicillin and cancer" says I !