Friday 22nd August

Well quite an eventful day!

Didn't sleep at all over night due to overwhelming pong of poo coming from the rather interesting elderly women on either side of my bed! Had to put my head under the sheet with a perfumed tissue to stop me from throwing up!

Fell asleep in the morning and woke up at 11.30!

To cut a long story short my eyes have decided that they would like to an impression of two dark caves built into the front of my face!
I had low blood pressure (what's new?), and an over active heart rate. A resting heart rate should be approximately 70bpm. Mines was at 123bpm. The way I look at it, that's only 53 beats more ....could be worse!

More fluids are being pumped in and just coming straight out again, probably at the same rate as Niagra Falls. Still, every inners have never been so clean!

Anyway, hooked up to an ECG machine and an oxygen mask. Fun fun fun!

Had another sleep and on monitoring again but my white blood count is now 0.64....slightly closer to 1.0!

Wait for it...I ate a bit of lasagne....that actually looked like lasagne!

I have just had my bottom checked for pressure sores which was a lovely experience (my right buttock is a bit pink if you wanted to know specifics!)

I now plan to stick my oxygen pipe up my nose as they've just given laxatives to the woman next to me.....I've just eaten a packet of Skips and they are way too nice to waste on throwing up!