Wednesday 20th August

Well, today I have been asleep, awake, asleep, and awake again.
I have been to X-ray, been to the loo, been laughing, been hot, been cold, been visited and been sick!

It's been so much fun!

There I was minding my own business when two rather interesting individuals appeared and told me I was being taken to X-ray. Obviously nobody told me why!
Anyway, whizzed on my bed through the corridors and public areas where everyone could have a good look at me in my lovely little PJs. (thanks to Lianne, accompanied by my wonderful new Flynn blanket!)
We waited for the lift to finally decide which one it wanted me to be shoved in!
"Please take lift E" which is hilarious due to the fact that over the speaker lift b,c,d,and e all sound the same!
The doors opened and obviously everyone in there got thrown out as I was a patient and had priority....nah nah nah nah nah!
Topical conversation between me and the two interesting individuals who were pushing me.....was....yes you guessed it.....horror movies! Particularly ones that were gruesome!
I don't even like horror movies so god knows why I played along with it. "oh yes, no, I agree, Psycho was a fantastic film ....." what a twit!!!

Upon entering X-ray I was parked (parked being the most appropriate word choice!)
There were a number of sad looking individuals either side of me who were all waiting for the same fate. One by one we were manoeuvred round each other...who knew hospital beds could do three point turns?

In I go, 'popped' standing up with my front against a plastic square facing the wall....I wouldn't have been surprised if they'd have just 'popped' a dunces cap on too!

I had the X-ray...held my breath like a good girl and then got back on my bed. Call me reckless but I thought I'd be outrageous and ask why it was I was having an X-ray in the first place! All the paper said was they were looking for infection. Results tomorrow.

Upon being parked back outside in the queue to be put back where they got us from, it was quite a let down not to have horror movies answer to tweedle dee and tweedle dum come back for me. I had two people who seemed not to particularly like each other and Banged me around like i was a shopping trolley full of mouldy food!

Back to the ward, a quick wee, sweat and puke due to the fact that I felt like I'd been on The Big One at Blackpool Pleasure Beach!

Anyway, now waiting for my wonderful dinner of watery soup being as I chose a chicken salad, hadn't got any. Shepherds pie, hadn't got any. So I opted for the soup and a yoghurt as I chose chips last night and I'm not entirely sure what they were made out of but you'd be wrong in thinking it was potato!