OH MY GOD.......What a day!

Spent this morning preparing cakes for a very special visitor!
Been wanting to tell everyone for ages...but wasn't allowed due to confidentiality!
But today I had a visit from Sarah Millican and her PA/comedian Lou Conran.
We ate a lot of cakes...drank lots of tea and generally were silly beggars!

I used this special occasion to do a good deed. 
Watch the video below and it will make it all clear!

So please share this video......get your thinking cap on for Random Acts of Silliness!

How did it come about?
Well....to cut a long story short, I met Sarah at her Homebird tour at Demontfort Hall last Christmas. I thanked her personally for making me laugh on many an occasion whilst sitting in a chemo chair or hospital ward. She was lovely.

She tweeted a thankyou after the show.
Then, I emailed her asking when and if she was doing any more tours. The next thing I know we are arranging dates!
She was supoosed to be coming a few Saturdays back...but I ended up being taken into hospital! I was NOT a happy bunny!!
So she sent me a lovely bunch of flowers and rearranged.
And 'hey presto'

She gave me three personalised signed DVD's and 10 tickets to a tiny new material gig in Leicester!


So, I've done my bit (for now!)
and Sarah has done hers....tweeting as we speak!
 Your challenge is to do something completely random for your Randon Act of Silliness.
Record it, upload it to Youtube and/or Facebook....share with as many people as possible
and get donating!
Big thanks to Sarah and Lou.xxx
(who have officially called me a nutter and crackers!)

(update - the link has been shared approx 30 times already!!)