Yup! Stuck in the LRI....lucky me!
Quick update-had tummy ache (ha ha!)
Thought it was trapped wind
Got to Sunday, still thought no, hoped it was just air.
Ended up ringing the calvary and was admitted to the Osborne Assessment Unit.
Off to Ward 8, the pre theatre assessment unit....wasn't too chuffed!
Told on 'May the fourth be with you' that I needed emergency surgery..again. Talk about greedy!
I had three options and two of them ended in me dying a couple of days/weeks later.
So that kind of took the decision off me. The third was for me to sign a consent form for them to open me up and see what mess I was in. Check!
Throwing up the contents of my small bowel kind of confirmed the blockage part!
Mum and Dad were with me.....I thought the only surgery needed would be to surgically remove mum from that chair next to my bed! Tash was called out of work and hot footed it down to LRI.
I was prepped for surgery.
Quite a few hours later I was woken up in recovery. I remember very little from this but mum and dad popped in.
Onto intensive care and a fab nurse called Brenda!
Stabilised and discovered I now have two bags....lovely! Think it was one of those shopping incentives to get you to reuse them...you know like bring a bag get another one free?
Anyway, sensible head on...ish...the mess underneath my stoma was exactly that, a mess. So they moved the stoma site to give everything a chance to sort itself out. I have at least 25 staples down the length of my tummy. Am having physio to sit up, stand up and eventually becoming as mobile as possible. Don't totally understand all the ins and outs but basically, I am working towards getting home even if it's for just one last time.