The nurses have just done the handover, came to my bed and 6 of them sang happy birthday!
Well, it's been an eventful day!
Woke up to the singing nurses. Then the catering staff brought me an orange lolly and some birthday ice cream!
Had a shower and a nap!
Woke up to see Katie sitting next to my bed doing crotchet! Bunting, bunting and more bunting!
Vicky and Ash came and we had a giggle about the silly videos from yesterday's mad party.
I made Dylan and Cerys a loom bracelet and gave it to Vicky before she left!
In came Aunty Irene polystyrene! Was lovely to see her and have a natter!
Did some present opening, along came Tash!
Apologies if I haven't text to thank you for my present, but I have left most of them at home and will open them then. I'll have two birthdays (like the Queen...and Ange Hill!)
Polly and Katie left (taking her crotchet and basket with her!)
In came Suzi! It's been like Piccadilly Circus round here!
A Skype call with mum and dad. Fab!
I want to thank everybody for wishing me a happy birthday. I have never spent one in hospital before so there is a first time for everything!
I'd like to thank my whole family for making my birthday as good as ever.....the party was ace! Was nice to see everyone being silly and not afraid to laugh!
Now an evening of making loom bands and watching Frozen, a cup of tea and a double decker....I mean what more could you ask for on your birthday!!